Hi, I'm Sara! Welcome to My Blog. I'm a high school senior

and I can't wait to share my life with you.. even if it's just like four people.

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Rules to Live By

I've decided to do some Sara's "Rules to Live By." Just some basic rules that I follow as close as possible. At least two or three times a week, I find myself saying "Rule #__" (like in Zombieland). So I thought it best to start officially writing these rules down. Eventually, when I have enough I will put them in order but for now they're on here as they come.

Ya know when you're flipping through your music on shuffle and it seems like every song you get to you don't want to listen to? So you keep pressing "next, next, next" and then OH CRAP! You skipped a good song. Go back to that good song and enjoy it (Facedown by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus)

-----Listen to the Good Songs on Shuffle-----

I got back to my sister's dorm about ten minutes ago and had to use the bathroom. Without thinking, I set my phone on her desk and went to walk out the door. But then I went back to her desk, grabbed my iPhone, and went to the bathroom. I do this because you never know when you may have to stay longer, so you might want something entertaining to do, for me it's usually Twitter or Draw Something.

-----Always bring your phone with you to the bathroom-----

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