Hi, I'm Sara! Welcome to My Blog. I'm a high school senior

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Friday, April 13, 2012

5 Things I've Learned About College Life

I decided since I was visiting for almost 5 days I could a do a blog about some things I learned or caught on to. Of course, they aren't very school related but that's why it's "College Life."

1.) -- It's Weird Not Having Anyone Telling You What To Do --

So Hannah did try to  tell me what to do maybe like once or twice. But other than that I had complete freedom. No "Sara, you're on dish duty!" or "Sara, I have to work tomorrow at 10. Willl you be home?" or "Sara, I'm gonna sleep in your bed tonight." There was just me relaxing free of that. And I missed it. Especially the little ones always asking for a help or asking to sleep with me. I don't miss loading the dishwasher or clearing the table but I do miss the other stuff.

2.) -- Don't Go to Lunch at Noon --

The cafeteria was absolutely packed at noon, not my thing. I like to pick my table, grab the food I want, eat, and get out. And that wasn't possible at noon. Finding a table was absolutely ridiculous on Wednesday; we almost had to sit at "the awkward table" that looks over the whole cafeteria (aka: EVERYONE CAN WATCH YOU EAT). I also like to eat whatever I want without worrying about people judging me. Like this wonderful ice cream cookie sandwich Hannah and I made. It's awkward going over to the ice cream machine because the football players and hot men are always sitting over there; makes going to get ice cream uncomfortable and going to put ice cream on top of two chocolate chip cookies even worse.

3.) -- It's Quiet --

When you grow up always having younger siblings and dogs running around you, being in a quiet dorm is quite strange. I was definitely more comfortable when I had Skype on with the kids so I could hear them running around and the dogs barking in the background. I'm not sure I can deal with all the quiet.

4.) -- Find a Good Roommate --

Hannah's roommate is nice. She's very friendly and likes to make conversation which is nice but she was rarely ever there. I feel like a good roommate can have a very big impact on college life. My sister hasn't become great friends with either of her roommates and I feel like if she had her college experience would be different. But she's generally okay with it, as long as she can call me up once in awhile. I will be looking for a good roommate.

5.) -- Planning is Key: Balance Sleep, Schoolwork, and Downtime --

Sis was completely stressed out Thursday because she was "go, go, go." Thursday is her day that she has Big Brothers Big Sisters which messes up her homework time and she sometimes has another meeting on Thursdays, too. So Thursdays are her busy day. I'm not sure if it'd be easier to have just one busy night or spread them out. But I think Hannah's too busy on Thursday and she ends up staying up late doing homework since she has no time to do it during the day. Basically sleep, schoolwork, and downtime need to be planned out in order to not be over loaded.

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