Hi, I'm Sara! Welcome to My Blog. I'm a high school senior

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Friday, April 13, 2012

Two Things I've Learned and More

There's two things I've learned this afternoon, both are regarding dogs.

#1 -- I am convinced that I will meet my future husband "by way of dog." Either, he'll be walking in the park one day and his dog will come running to me (having the instinct that I'm a major dog person) or my dog will run to him, or our dogs will meet each other forcing us to converse.. like in 101 Dalmations ya know? I think it's romantic and it just fits me perfectly.

#2 -- Anyone who has/wants a beagle is a friend of mine. Pretty self explanatory, right?

Dukers :)

Hannah and I had a "Big Bang Theory" conversation about time traveler. And we figured it out that neither of us invented it. 

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