Hi, I'm Sara! Welcome to My Blog. I'm a high school senior

and I can't wait to share my life with you.. even if it's just like four people.

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Monday, April 30, 2012

Too Long

So it's been BEYOND too long since I've posted a blog. Between softball, school, dancing, and everything else, I have little to no time to get on our computer, accept to add music to my phone.
[I've realized I'm a music addict, I've always loved music but over the last few months I've noticed up how much of an impact music has on my life]

The other night at my softball game, my dad told me to hit his buddy standing WAY out in left-center field and that if I did hit him, dad said he'd buy me a laptop; it was more that dad just wanted me to hit a home run. Well, it didn't happen but I figured, "oh well" I have all season. Tonight we went to walmart and I asked him if the deal was still on, would I get a lap top if I hit a home run? The answer was "yes!" I then asked dad if we could go look at some laptops so we had an idea of what we wanted. And lucky me there was a dell inspiron for $400, the best deal we'd seen so far, and daddy bought me the laptop.

The Good News: (besides that I finally have my own laptop) I can start blogging more! WOOO!

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