Hi, I'm Sara! Welcome to My Blog. I'm a high school senior

and I can't wait to share my life with you.. even if it's just like four people.

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About Me

      Like I said, I'm Sara. I'm 17 years old and a senior at a small high school. I love my family and my dog. I am the 2nd oldest of 6 kids, four girls and two boys. I don't make new friends easily which makes me slightly awkward in public places. Once we're friends though I really open up and you'll see a side to me that very few people get to see. -I talk to myself a lot, which leads to me;to myself in the 3rd person. Although, I don't really want to, I'm going to college in the fall. I'm going to a community college for their Medical Office Assistant program, just an a ssociates.

     I can't wait to be a wife and stay at home mom one day, even though I have absolutely no clue who my husband will be; that's all I wanna do. I looking forward to having kids; I'd like to have more boys than girls. I like to clean, be in the kitchen, and do laundry; I'm partially a "female anti-feminist." I like to make "women in the kitchen jokes. My guys friends consider me "one of the guys" --- mainly because I know football like a man. I only write in blue pens. I smell everything. I have a fascination with ears. I have a really hard time finding a pair of sunglasses that look good on me, but I finally did. I have an online shopping addiction. I love buying shirts. And I have a slight phobia of small bathrooms. I love to laugh until I can't breathe. I enjoy talking about my experiences, my feelings, and my life with others.

From sunglasses

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