Hi, I'm Sara! Welcome to My Blog. I'm a high school senior

and I can't wait to share my life with you.. even if it's just like four people.

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Difficulties Getting My Thoughts Typed Out

I'm finding it somewhat difficult to come up with what I want to say. There's always plenty I have in my head to talk about but I can never seem to write it down the way I want. Which I think a lot of people have trouble with, unless they're an English Major like my wonderful big sister. I had originally planned on doing a video blog this summer when I went south but then I figured well I can just do this blog. But, like I said, I have trouble putting my thoughts into words. So I've decided that I will write as if I'm speaking to a camera, which I generally don't have a problem, if I'm completely alone.

I'm currently eating my doritos :D and trying to get a video chat going with my best friend/cousin, Eva. She's starting up her blog right now and hopefully I can have her button up within the next few days.

These last few days of no responsibilities has made me super excited for summer. Vacations are definitely going to be a self mandated thing when I'm out in the "real world." The last time I was able to take this much time off with no obligations was two years ago when I went to Myrtle Break for Spring Break. Can you say "much needed"? I do catch myself thinking about being back at school next week, about practice, games, and my lab/lecture exams for Anatomy. UGH! Trying to keep my mind off those things. At least until I'm back home Saturday afternoon.

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