Hi, I'm Sara! Welcome to My Blog. I'm a high school senior

and I can't wait to share my life with you.. even if it's just like four people.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Goodies From The Outlets

Shopping wasn't a total success. But, I, generally, stuck to my list and I got some great stuff for pretty cheap. 
Here's My
Allowed to Buy List
bright cami
white cami
bathing suit 
white bra

And My Not Allowed to Buy List

But, I couldn't help myself. The deals got to me. 

(note: we didn't plan on having the Salvatores in this picture but when I downloaded and edited it, I had to keep them :)

So I only got two. Not bad, right? The first one was $7 and the gray and yellow was $3. How could I pass up a $3 shirt that is a quarter yellow? I couldn't.

Vera Bradley bag -- Been DYING to buy one but I haven't gotten around to it. FINALLY! 

I would say a pretty successful day. In addition to all this awesome stuff I got, I bought a white cami and a bright pink one. Really glad I brought a ton of cash with me.