Hi, I'm Sara! Welcome to My Blog. I'm a high school senior

and I can't wait to share my life with you.. even if it's just like four people.

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A Few of My Favorite Things

The people in my this picture of my inbox are most the people who are important to me. Joan is first: my aunt, godmother, employer, and best friend. Hannah Beth is my best friend of over two years. Maader (ie. Mom) -- we're pretty close but of course we drive each other nuts. Hanny Siester is my big sister; we argue all the time but we really do love each other... I think. Eva Marie is my cousin; we've had our ups and down but we always end up still being best friends. These people are my "favorite" along with my iPhone.

I'm a huge SIMMER. It started years ago with designing houses on the original Sims game via game cube. Eventually, I was playing Sims 2 on the PC; we had all but I believe 1 expansion pack. Now, I'm playing the Sims 3. We have Pets, Ambitions, Generations, High End Loft Stuff, Outdoor Living Stuff, and Town Life Stuff... I think. I get really into my gaming. 

I adore The Vampire Diaries. I'm 100% a member of Team Stelena. I love the tension between Damon and Elena and it's very entertaining but I believe that Stefan and Elena are meant to be. One of my favorite things about this show is that there is always something keeping you watching and I never seem to get sick of the situations. I did catch my self getting sincerely annoyed with Ripper Stefan around episode 12 or 13 and shortly after that he began seeing his humanity again. The writers of this show really need how to capture and keep an audience. 

Mom taught me how to make Dark Chocolate cake from scratch and let me tell you IT IS GOOD. It's Dark Chocolate Cake, made with coffee instead of water, and Cream Cheese Frosting. I love making it. I made it for work and all of our 36 residents liked it, even the diabetic version. I highly recommend it, if you ever get a chance. It's definitely may favorite dessert. 

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