Hi, I'm Sara! Welcome to My Blog. I'm a high school senior

and I can't wait to share my life with you.. even if it's just like four people.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Why Sara is Excited

Today is my first full day on my sister's college campus. I spent most of my morning laying in her bed while she was in class, we went to lunch, now I'm back in her dorm while she's at work. In about an hour we're going to the outlets to get some shopping done. And I LOVE shopping. Unfortunately, I don't get to do it as often as I like, all of the malls/outlets are at least an hour away from my small town. I guess this can be a good thing consider I just had to quit my job last week and I shouldn't be spending too much.

I'm excited to go shopping today. I've made a list of the things I'm allowed to buy. And the only thing not on that list is shirts. I'm not allowed to buy shirts... well one or two, maybe three if it's a good deal. I need to get some new shorts and some crop jeans, jewelry, and sunglasses. I NEED SUNGLASSES! 

Sara is excited to shop!