Hi, I'm Sara! Welcome to My Blog. I'm a high school senior

and I can't wait to share my life with you.. even if it's just like four people.

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Monday, April 30, 2012

Too Long

So it's been BEYOND too long since I've posted a blog. Between softball, school, dancing, and everything else, I have little to no time to get on our computer, accept to add music to my phone.
[I've realized I'm a music addict, I've always loved music but over the last few months I've noticed up how much of an impact music has on my life]

The other night at my softball game, my dad told me to hit his buddy standing WAY out in left-center field and that if I did hit him, dad said he'd buy me a laptop; it was more that dad just wanted me to hit a home run. Well, it didn't happen but I figured, "oh well" I have all season. Tonight we went to walmart and I asked him if the deal was still on, would I get a lap top if I hit a home run? The answer was "yes!" I then asked dad if we could go look at some laptops so we had an idea of what we wanted. And lucky me there was a dell inspiron for $400, the best deal we'd seen so far, and daddy bought me the laptop.

The Good News: (besides that I finally have my own laptop) I can start blogging more! WOOO!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Countdown Post

As I senior I have many things I'm looking forward to in the upcoming months. As they approach, I get more and more anxious for the days to come. Here's my 4 major countdowns and they're current ticking timer. I CANT WAIT. 

Unfortunately, there is so much I have to do before any of these dates come. 
16 softball games 
10 hours of community service
1 Position Paper
1 BOE Meeting
30 Clinical Hours
6 Anatomy Classes
2 Lab and Lecture Exams
Dance Recital Weekend
And 35 more Senior English CLASSES! 

Yes, of all the things I have to do, I dread English class every day the most. I"m pretty sure softball will make things go by quickly. We play 16 games (including 1 tournament) in 5 weeks! It's going to be a crazy season. I cant wait! I feel like this year has gone by so fast and I can't believe I only have 8 more weeks of high school. Just 67 days til I leave this town behind for nearly two months and just a four and a half months until I'm off to college. It's incredible. 
It slightly scares me to think that once I leave for Tennessee, my whole life will change. I'm used to spending time with all these people I've grown up with and once I leave, that time disappears. I will have a few weeks once I get back but by then it's a little late. It's unbelievable how fast time gets away. 67 days just doesn't seem like enough time. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Two Things I've Learned and More

There's two things I've learned this afternoon, both are regarding dogs.

#1 -- I am convinced that I will meet my future husband "by way of dog." Either, he'll be walking in the park one day and his dog will come running to me (having the instinct that I'm a major dog person) or my dog will run to him, or our dogs will meet each other forcing us to converse.. like in 101 Dalmations ya know? I think it's romantic and it just fits me perfectly.

#2 -- Anyone who has/wants a beagle is a friend of mine. Pretty self explanatory, right?

Dukers :)

Hannah and I had a "Big Bang Theory" conversation about time traveler. And we figured it out that neither of us invented it. 

5 Things I've Learned About College Life

I decided since I was visiting for almost 5 days I could a do a blog about some things I learned or caught on to. Of course, they aren't very school related but that's why it's "College Life."

1.) -- It's Weird Not Having Anyone Telling You What To Do --

So Hannah did try to  tell me what to do maybe like once or twice. But other than that I had complete freedom. No "Sara, you're on dish duty!" or "Sara, I have to work tomorrow at 10. Willl you be home?" or "Sara, I'm gonna sleep in your bed tonight." There was just me relaxing free of that. And I missed it. Especially the little ones always asking for a help or asking to sleep with me. I don't miss loading the dishwasher or clearing the table but I do miss the other stuff.

2.) -- Don't Go to Lunch at Noon --

The cafeteria was absolutely packed at noon, not my thing. I like to pick my table, grab the food I want, eat, and get out. And that wasn't possible at noon. Finding a table was absolutely ridiculous on Wednesday; we almost had to sit at "the awkward table" that looks over the whole cafeteria (aka: EVERYONE CAN WATCH YOU EAT). I also like to eat whatever I want without worrying about people judging me. Like this wonderful ice cream cookie sandwich Hannah and I made. It's awkward going over to the ice cream machine because the football players and hot men are always sitting over there; makes going to get ice cream uncomfortable and going to put ice cream on top of two chocolate chip cookies even worse.

3.) -- It's Quiet --

When you grow up always having younger siblings and dogs running around you, being in a quiet dorm is quite strange. I was definitely more comfortable when I had Skype on with the kids so I could hear them running around and the dogs barking in the background. I'm not sure I can deal with all the quiet.

4.) -- Find a Good Roommate --

Hannah's roommate is nice. She's very friendly and likes to make conversation which is nice but she was rarely ever there. I feel like a good roommate can have a very big impact on college life. My sister hasn't become great friends with either of her roommates and I feel like if she had her college experience would be different. But she's generally okay with it, as long as she can call me up once in awhile. I will be looking for a good roommate.

5.) -- Planning is Key: Balance Sleep, Schoolwork, and Downtime --

Sis was completely stressed out Thursday because she was "go, go, go." Thursday is her day that she has Big Brothers Big Sisters which messes up her homework time and she sometimes has another meeting on Thursdays, too. So Thursdays are her busy day. I'm not sure if it'd be easier to have just one busy night or spread them out. But I think Hannah's too busy on Thursday and she ends up staying up late doing homework since she has no time to do it during the day. Basically sleep, schoolwork, and downtime need to be planned out in order to not be over loaded.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Late "College" Nights

I'm craving an ice cream cone or a flurry right now, and it's pretty serious. So instead I went off the the school diner thing and grabbed a parfait.

Looks delicious, right? And if Hannah doesn't eat her's, guess who gets another one for tomorrow morning. THIS GIRL! 

We've been in the library since 6 o'clock. 6 O'CLOCK!! That's four hours of me sitting on her laptop, getting arm cramps, and trying to find something to do or write, which is not easy.
I did some more skypeing but it was running really slow and kept freezing up the laptop so I had to put that to a stop :( I'm clearly bored. I might take another trip to the diner and spend some more of her $140 that needs to be used up by the end of the semester. YAY FOOD! 

We Like To Talk About Our Feelings

Skypeing my best friend, Julia. I'm sure I will be spending a lot of time on the phone with her while we're apart. I can always count on her and tell her everything. Too bad she had to go eat Nonny's dinner. Hopefully, we'll skype again later :) 

Difficulties Getting My Thoughts Typed Out

I'm finding it somewhat difficult to come up with what I want to say. There's always plenty I have in my head to talk about but I can never seem to write it down the way I want. Which I think a lot of people have trouble with, unless they're an English Major like my wonderful big sister. I had originally planned on doing a video blog this summer when I went south but then I figured well I can just do this blog. But, like I said, I have trouble putting my thoughts into words. So I've decided that I will write as if I'm speaking to a camera, which I generally don't have a problem, if I'm completely alone.

I'm currently eating my doritos :D and trying to get a video chat going with my best friend/cousin, Eva. She's starting up her blog right now and hopefully I can have her button up within the next few days.

These last few days of no responsibilities has made me super excited for summer. Vacations are definitely going to be a self mandated thing when I'm out in the "real world." The last time I was able to take this much time off with no obligations was two years ago when I went to Myrtle Break for Spring Break. Can you say "much needed"? I do catch myself thinking about being back at school next week, about practice, games, and my lab/lecture exams for Anatomy. UGH! Trying to keep my mind off those things. At least until I'm back home Saturday afternoon.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cajun Food and a Squirrel

Office Hours with Sis -- which I spent blogging and watching an interview of The Hunger Games Cast. 

Sis had to work so I was able to go back to her dorm and take a nap for an hour and a half. Not sure why I needed that. Woke up at 6:30pm and headed over to see her at work.

I was able to get a few shots of the campus. They aren't my best photography, mainly because I was trying to be very discreet.

Squirrel; he didn't even run away until I was standing beside him.

Sis and I went to TGI Friday's. It was a bit more expensive then we're used to (daddy raised cheap girls) but it was delicious.

My dinner: Cajun Shrimp and Chicken Pasta. Super GOOD and I have leftovers for dinner tomorrow :) 

I've loved having no responsibilities these last few days. It's very refreshing after these last few months of go, go, go and always having stuff to do. 

Now, it's time for some vampires. 

Why Sara is Blogging on her iPhone App

Big sissy stole her computer back and I am not happy. I just wanna keep fixing my blog and making it perfect so when I do have followers they will love me and my blog.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Goodies From The Outlets

Shopping wasn't a total success. But, I, generally, stuck to my list and I got some great stuff for pretty cheap. 
Here's My
Allowed to Buy List
bright cami
white cami
bathing suit 
white bra

And My Not Allowed to Buy List

But, I couldn't help myself. The deals got to me. 

(note: we didn't plan on having the Salvatores in this picture but when I downloaded and edited it, I had to keep them :)

So I only got two. Not bad, right? The first one was $7 and the gray and yellow was $3. How could I pass up a $3 shirt that is a quarter yellow? I couldn't.

Vera Bradley bag -- Been DYING to buy one but I haven't gotten around to it. FINALLY! 

I would say a pretty successful day. In addition to all this awesome stuff I got, I bought a white cami and a bright pink one. Really glad I brought a ton of cash with me. 

Why Sara is Excited

Today is my first full day on my sister's college campus. I spent most of my morning laying in her bed while she was in class, we went to lunch, now I'm back in her dorm while she's at work. In about an hour we're going to the outlets to get some shopping done. And I LOVE shopping. Unfortunately, I don't get to do it as often as I like, all of the malls/outlets are at least an hour away from my small town. I guess this can be a good thing consider I just had to quit my job last week and I shouldn't be spending too much.

I'm excited to go shopping today. I've made a list of the things I'm allowed to buy. And the only thing not on that list is shirts. I'm not allowed to buy shirts... well one or two, maybe three if it's a good deal. I need to get some new shorts and some crop jeans, jewelry, and sunglasses. I NEED SUNGLASSES! 

Sara is excited to shop! 

Monday, April 9, 2012

First Timer

I'm sitting in my sisters dorm room, bored out of my mind while she's doing homework. I check twitter and facebook and after ten minutes, I had nothing left to do. So she hopped on her laptop and opened up some blogs (which she is always going on and on about). I start flipping through some of them and I read hers and I figure "what could it hurt?" 

Nearly two hours later, I'm finally posting my first blog. I had thought about blogging before but I never had the time to do it. I figure spring break with all these free time would be a great opportunity for me to get started, although I'm pretty sure my only follower will be my big sis. 

#ohwell  <-- favorite twitter trend